1/29 Hancock Way, Baringa QLD 4551
3/14 Roseanna St, Gladstone, Qld 4680
It is common practice to have a third party team execute commissioning activities on most projects. It provides the owner with peace of mind that the constructor has performed their role diligently, and that the plant is in a state of operational readiness prior to energisation.
However, none of this provides any benefit if documentation isn’t developed, maintained and updated to verify operational readiness, and that the commissioning process is being conducted using a strategy based on plant process design.
Slade Industries works with our clients to define a commissioning strategy, we then implement that strategy with diligence and leadership to provide clients with the best outcome.
We have developed partnerships with leading commissioning information technology companies to ensure documentation is never lost, and that required documentation has been completed and approved prior to commencement of the next phase for any process.
At Slade we work by a simple anagram to ensure your asset is TESTED.
Our key management team proudly represents our mission, values and future.
The Slade Industries Key Management Team is dedicated to delivering the best results for our client’s investment and consistently exceeding expectations. We strive to deliver on time, every time as our goals are aligned with yours. We measure ourselves on the success of our projects and our client’s satisfaction.
1/29 Hancock Way, Baringa QLD 4551
3/14 Roseanna St, Gladstone, Qld 4680